A Film by Yanone
Choreography and Dance — Johanna Roggan
Music — Georg Bauer (Nocti Luca)
For super high quality viewing pleasure,
please download the film here (1.5GB Quicktime)
Additional Vocals — Anna Sophia Backhaus & Kayela
Director of Photography — Daniel Scholz
Filmed at — Naturschutzgebiet Bielatal, with thanks to Staatsbetrieb Sachsenforst — Bärwalder See, with thanks to LMBV and the municipality of Boxberg — Sandsteinbruch Reinhardtsdorf, Sächsische Sandsteinwerke GmbH — Nationalpark Fischland-Darß-Zingst — Psychedelic Circus Festival 2013, Strohkirchen — Alte Feuerwache e.V., Kromsdorf
Additional Lighting — Marcel Jost (Lichtraum)
Video Projection — Alexander Stephan (Mischlichter)
Additional Decoration — Kayela
Set Photography — Christiane Kupfer & Daniel Scholz
Special Effects — Bernhard Bittorf
Electrician — Michael Gerner
The exterior scenes were shot in late Summer 2013 mainly in the Sächsische Schweiz, a nature reserve and climbing paradise between Dresden and the Czech border. It was also here where I needed to pay the by far highest shooting permission fee for the first scene on the rock edge.
Finding locations with no human-made structures to be seen in the picture yet somewhat easily accessible by car was crucial to my concept. I could have shot in the Sächsische Schweiz at no extra cost in other locations, but villages, roads and crop fields ruined the sight.
The interior scenes were shot in winter 2013 in a make-shift studio at Alte Feuerwache Kromsdorf, a country-side community of 14 people close to Weimar in Thuringia, and my home base for the almost nine years until 2015.
The light show was pre-programmed to the music and run by a Python-powered DMX control software that I wrote specifically for the film making.
The film’s dancer Johanna Roggan is an old friend of mine. She is a contemporary dancer and choreographer and returned to our joint home town Dresden after having studied and worked in Berlin, Linz and Tel Aviv.
It was her idea to make this film into a dance film when I ran into her in a café in Dresden and told her about the very vague ideas I had for the film at the time.
Being busy as a professional dancer and choreographer that she is, it wasn’t exactly easy to find rehearsal and shooting time with her. Although we started with a plan, she half improvised her performances and left it to me to edit her dancing into an entertaining experience. I’m still stunned by her performance and work ethics and most thankful for the time with her.
Georg Bauer composes and produces organic Psy-Trance music under the Moniker Nocti Luca.
After I had already recruited Weimar-based (at the time) electronic band Pentatones for the film’s score, I met Georg on the 2011 Indian Spirit Festival in northern Germany. He immediately expressed interest in making the film’s music which unfortunately I had to reject at first after having already successfully asked the Pentatones. However, after Georg said that he had been wanting to compose a piece of music for/about the Big Bang for a very long time, it dawned on me a few weeks later that this was a match made in heaven and I needed to change the previous plan.
What sets Georg apart from many other electronic music producers in my eyes is the fact that he has both studied Jazz music and is an educated sound engineer. It shows.
The film consists of the three phases Unity, Limbo/Non-Duality and Trinity.
In Unity, the time before the Big Bang (if time even existed at the time), God prepares the elements. And when I say God I don’t mean that in any particular religion’s interpretation (religion is merely an abstraction created for man to comprehend the wonders of Creation). Then, all matter and everything existed in love and dimensionless unity.
Limbo/Non-Duality describes the very last moment just before the eruption/Bang. It is the moment when the world was neither nothing anymore, nor something yet (Non-Duality), as much as we and everything consist mainly of nothing, merely relation, as well as something, matter, as scientists find out lately.
It is the moment where everything is still possible, nothing is certain. The Matrix describes Limbo as “unconstructed dream space”. Love it. There is a direction, but which one is still unclear.
And finally, Trinity describes the Big Bang itself, the moment when the two poles were joined by a third to create the tension and relation that describes our world ever since.
And thanks again to all supporters of the 2012 crowd funding campaign on Indiegogo for your support: Ahmad Humeid, Akira Yoshino, Alistair Johnston, Andrea Schmidt (Typografie/Im/Kontext), Anne-Kathrin Gericke, Barbara Nedved, Benedikt Bramböck, Bianca Berning, Björn Riemann, Carina Marano, Christopher Reinbothe, Clemens Schedler, Daniel Schmidt, Diederik Corvers, Dominik Ziller, Eckart Schulze, Familie Gerner, Florian Hardwig, Frank Grießhammer, Hanna Mishchenko, Jakob Runge, James Edmondson, Jens Kutilek, Johanna Diepenbrock, Julia Graff, Jürgen Siebert, Lisa Dalhuijsen, Manuela Klaut, Maria Antonia Schmidt, Marina Chaccur, Mark Simonson, Michael Rambusch, Mike Fortress, Nils Volkmann, Nina Stössinger, Philip Lammert, Philipp Tok, Quy Martina Nguyen, Rainer Erich Scheichelbauer, Ramiro Espinoza, Robert Schöne, Rogier Barendregt, Therese Wagner, Timothée Goguely, Tobias Hollender, Ulrike Zipperling and 6 more anonymous supporters.
By the way, after all fees, the campaign raised about 2,500€ for the production, accounting for about 20% of the costs.